Friday, 22 July 2011

My First Post

Media how it use to be...

When I first considered 'blogging' I associated it with IT wizzes imagining it to be far too complicated for a layman like me. But it turns out that it is incredibly simple and a most useful way to say what one believes to be of interest. 

I've always been interested in writing and those of you who know me personally can no doubt affirm my interest in politics. Yet when it comes to discussing it in a blog, I'm not really sure where to start.

The world of media is changing. The time when a few national newspapers dominated public opinion has long gone and the remaining readers are fast dwindling yet if anything people actually have more information, and inevitably more opinion, being pushed upon them. 

Well it is my goal to add to that onslaught of new opinionated writing in the new form of blogging. It seems we may have passed the stage of sensible journalism and gone straight into the world of amateur blogging, news is going back to how it used to be, all be it in a very different kind of way, where opinion and pluralism is everywhere. The blogosphere is a sort of modern day pamphlet (1) where anyone with an opinion and a laptop can make their voice heard. I guess that's me, so embrace the return of opinionated ramblings and do enjoy my blog. 

(1) Back in the 1800s prior to the establishment of the industrial printing press, the media was a lot smaller and a lot more biased! Anyone who could publish could become a hit over a few days. Any similarities?

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